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PEMF Therapy

PEMF, also known as High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) uses Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells.

PEMF is a holistic supplement that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level to help the body;
-heal and regenerate itself
-enhance its natural recovery process
-assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise
-increase energy or support relaxation
-balance the body’s interconnected systems

Appointment Duration: 30/60 minutes

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Recharge your body with PEMF, also known as High Energy Inductive Therapy. (HEIT) uses Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells for rapid cellular repair.

  • Appointment Duration: 30/60 minutes

We transform illness into wellness, fear into courage, and challenge into triumph.

By pushing the body to its natural limits, we cause healing and transformation to happen as it should

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